profile picture of shane wade

Hello 👋

I‘m Shane Wade, a software engineer and AI mechanic 🔧 🤖

I love bicycles and building products

Feel free to reach out for a chat!

linkedin social media icongithub octocat icon

Current Projects


Financial accounting standards board logo, no background


AI for the FASB Accounting Standards Codification

This chat demo serves as a proof of concept that AI software can be benificial in the technical accounting field. I built this P.O.C for myself to understand if it was even possible. Now I am validating this concept with the intent of building a startup.

This prototype is open for evaluation, feel free to try it out and DM me on linkedin.

Tested by Ryan Müller CA(SA), CPA

Ryan was able to give the system context of a transaction then

  • generate accounting implications based on relevant asc guidance
  • generate an impairment accounting memo based on the accounting implication conclusion
  • create a draft journal entry for the transaction

immigration gpt torch logo


An AI for your US immigration questions

I built this LLM powered product with two other engineers in about a month. This product is intended to provide actionable advice and answers to your immigration questions.

Built with Phillip Haeusler and Sepehr Ardebilianfard

Blog Posts

AI After Hours - #TechWeek write up, main image

AI After Hours - #TechWeek write up

Yesterday, Bloomberg Beta hosted their AI After Hours event. The venue was Bloomberg's high rise office space, complete with light snacks and some delicious kombucha floats: sorbet with kombucha, like the original rootbeer float.

Side Hustle Sunday Part 1, main image

Side Hustle Sunday Part 1

Selling digital seamless patterns If you haven't see the copious 'AI Side Hustles' on the internet then..

Creative Space That's all you, main image

Creative Space That's all you

Unleash Your Digital Identity: Crafting a Personal Website that Tells Your Unique Story

The Power of Structured Thinking, main image

The Power of Structured Thinking

Senior vs Junior? In the workforce, the distinction between a Senior and Junior employee often lies in their experience and the way they approach problem-solving. Senior employees have developed structured thinking patterns that help them navigate complex situations with ease.

I Nuked Our Production Database... And Lived to Tell the Tale, main image

I Nuked Our Production Database... And Lived to Tell the Tale

It was a dark and stormy night..


AI Auction House, main image

AI Auction House

An intro experience to the monetization of generative AI

Bob Ross Night!, main image

Bob Ross Night!

We're going to need a bigger easel...

The 2 stroke pivot: vintage mopeds, main image

The 2 stroke pivot: vintage mopeds

I learned a few good lessons from the electric motorcycle project. I wasn't ready to give up on my two-wheel-dreams so I pivoted to 2-stroke mopeds. *BRAAAAPPPPPP

The electric motorcycle failure, main image

The electric motorcycle failure

Of course I had to keep my electric vehicle journey going, the obvious next step was a motorcycle

Electric bikes, main image

Electric bikes

Maybe you do want mechanical brakes when you're bombing a hill?

My electric longboard jounrey, main image

My electric longboard jounrey

Electric longboards are the closest thing that we have to hoverboards. I rode my boards everywhere and met some very interesting people along the way.


Do Work Faster (w/ AI)

AI hustlers are already puting ChatGPT to work. They are opening up a few browser windows and flexing their "copy & paste" skills

Why are these tools so spread out?

What if there was a single portal that brought your work + generative AI tools together.

Your Work
Your AI Tools

SF Bike Lane Viz


I love bikes. I think they are wonderful peices of engineering and I think they are an excellent option for the sustainable commuter.

I‘ve had the opportunity to chat with many people about bike commuting and their main concerns are safety and time.

A significant component of bike safety is the bike infrastructure in a city. I pulled bike lane and collision data from the city of San Francsico to understand where the problems are on the streets that I ride.

Typing Test

I've always enjoyed mechanical keyboards and the experience they provide when typing. I really enjoyed the typing tests that I found online like 10 Fast Fingers and Type Racer so I decided to make my own typing test.



 __     __   __        ______   ______     ______     ______     ______     ______     ______     ______
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\ \ \  \ \ \-.  \     \ \  _-/ \ \  __<   \ \ \/\ \  \ \ \__ \  \ \  __<   \ \  __\   \ \___  \  \ \___  \
 \ \_\  \ \_\\"\_\     \ \_\    \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \/\_____\  \/\_____\
  \/_/   \/_/ \/_/      \/_/     \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_____/